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Greetings! | Feast of Tabernacles 2008 |
Greetings! |
08 May 2008 Dear Friends, Greetings from Arkansas and the Cornerstone Fellowship in Linden, Texas. I hope this letter finds you well and looking forward to the Feast this fall. Cornerstone will be hosting the Feast again this year in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We want to extend a special invitation to you to join us for this memorable celebration. The dates are October 14 – 21. We are in the process of lining up some excellent speakers. Richard Davis and also Joe Good (www.hatikva.org) are already scheduled. Let us know if you would like to help out in any way, organizing family or children's activities, children’s Bible classes, etc. Offer to help: Helping out at the festival is one of the things that makes the festival enjoyable for everyone. There are a number of service opportunities available. Last year we incorporated a noon meal before services each day and it added immensely to our fellowship, so we will continue that practice this year. Our meeting facility also includes a bunk house on the second floor. If there is anyone who desires to come to the Cornerstone Feast site and does not have adequate funds for lodging, please contact David Andrulis (620-257-5634) to make arrangements to use this facility. David has generously offered to help pay for some of the accommodations. David has also planned some unique and special Bible studies which I am sure will be of interest to all. We hope you will join us for a most rewarding Feast. If you have literature you would like to bring, please feel free to do so. As you know, Cornerstone is an open Feast site and we encourage participation in all aspects of the Feast. There are many fellowship activities planned that will encourage getting to know each other better, plus provide an opportunity to participate in the “rehearsal” of the future Millennium to which we all look forward. Combined with the messages and special study groups, we hope to offer a wonderful Feast experience to all who come. If you have any recommendations that you would like to see added, please let us know. Sincerely, Rita 02 August 2007 Dear Friends, The Cornerstone Feast Site for 2007 will be in held in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We have found a lovely little spot with quaint cabins situated around a large open fire pit, which we plan to utilize for fellowship get-togethers. In addition to our meetings, daily fellowship meals and Hebrew praise dancing, we have children’s Bible classes plus an activities director for children’s activities throughout the Feast period. We will also have Hebrew praise dance lessons for any interested. We have several group fellowship activities planned including a river float, a hayride, an ice cream social, a hamburger cook out and a day at the beach! I'm working on lining up our speakers. Joe Good will be one of them. We do hope you join us! If you would like to help out in any of the functions, please let us know. Click here for more information. Sincerely, Rita and Katrina 11 January 2007 Dear Friends, Just sending out a reminder about the Cornerstone Feast site for 2007 in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We hope you will plan on joining us. If you have any suggestions to make this a wonderful, memorable Feast, please let us know. Sincerely, Rita and Katrina 27 April 2006 Greetings to everyone from Texarkana. I believe that Jim would have wanted to continue hosting a Cornerstone Feast Site, so with the help of many friends, Katrina and I will endeavor to carry on the tradition. We hope that you will consider joining us this year for a wonderful Festival. We look forward to seeing old friends, and meeting new ones! Sincerely, Rita and Katrina 7 March 2006 TEXARKANA, Texas--Jim Rector, 61, founder of Cornerstone Publications died peacefully in his sleep in the morning hours of March 7, 2006 after suffering a prolonged and heroic battle with cancer. This website and the services it provides will continue to operate in memory of Jim in the hope of preserving his legacy of inspiring and profound teachings. Jim is survived by his wife of 34 years, the former Rita Nutt, and his daughter Katrina McAlister. Rita and Katrina feel strongly that Jim's teachings should continue to be shared and will continue to fill any article or tape requests that come to them via the website, email, or mail to them. ![]() 7 December 2005 Hello from Texarkana! It has been something of a struggle to finish this study paper, 2012 A.D. - The End of an Age!, but praise God, it has been completed. I trust that this letter finds you well and blessed by the Almighty. The reason that I use the word struggle above has everything to do with the condition of my health at this time, meaning that I am in a very critical life and death situation. I do not wish to burden anyone with too many details, just suffice it to say that unless things begin to improve very soon, my time is at hand. Although I truly desire to continue living, the level of pain and discomfort is such that there are times when I think about death as a release from this kind of difficulty. I know that you are aware of my circumstances, and that your prayers and concern have been ongoing on my behalf. For this I will be forever grateful. I hope that the subject of the enclosed article is something that will prove to be of both interest and profit for you. It deals with a topic that, by its very nature, is controversial. I trust that I have written this is such a manner as to not be confrontational, but rather as helpful as possible. The article may indeed raise more questions than it answers, and I cannot say with absolute confidence that every answer that is given will prove to be correct. It does, however, represent an effort to get out what I feel is pertinent information on a critical issue at a very crucial time. It is being sent to you for your serious consideration. What is contained in this paper is not, as they say, written in stone. You may not agree with everything you read, including the conclusions that are drawn, but I have tried my best to put this data together so that at least it can be understood and assessed. Your questions or input are, as always, welcome. Whether or not what I have written comes to pass precisely on the schedule that is discussed in the article may not be the most important thing, but awakening to the fact that it may well be later than we think or assume will constitute a significant breakthrough in any of our lives. It is my hope and prayer that this study contributes in some positive way to accomplishing just that objective, and that it will lead to an arousal of God's people on a spiritual level such as we have not ever experienced. The times in which we live are too dark, too deceptive, too dangerous for we who know and believe the truth to sit idly on the sidelines of life, merely waiting, waiting, waiting. It is a sad fact that our leaders and teachers have programmed us to wait. We think we are waiting on God, when, in fact, it is Yahweh, the Almighty, who is waiting on us! Abraham did not know what the future held for him until he stepped out in faith. Moses had no conception of how God was going to act in his life until he responded to the burning bush. David could have never imagined what the Eternal had in mind for him until he strode out into the valley of decision! And none of us can yet see what God will do on our behalf until we too put it all on the line. How much longer will be continue to wait and drift? People of Yahweh-ARISE, SHINE; for your light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the Earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you!! Special thanks to those of you who continue to help us out financially. May the Almighty richly bless you for your spontaneous giving. Pray for me, brethren, and for all the Body that the will of God be accomplished. Sincerely, Jim 1 July 2005 Howdy from Texarkana, I hope that this message finds you joyful and well. Rita, Katrina, and I want to wish you a wonderful Sabbath day, and God's richest blessings. My health situation continues to be critical. I have finished 8 weeks of rituxin treatments, and go next week for new MRIs and lab work. Your continued prayers on our behalf would be most appreciated, for the struggle goes on 24/7. I am so thankful to have finally been able to complete another study paper. It is entitled, Let Your Women Keep Silence!. It has taken me longer than normal for a couple of reasons. The main thing is that I have to work slowly, only in short spurts of time, and then rest or take care of something related to my health. Also, instead of the usual 36 pages (we hold it at that number to keep mailing expenses down), this article is 65 pages in length. The subject matter demanded a more detailed explanation than the regular length would allow me to do. We hope to get in the mail by the middle of next week. This may be a somewhat controversial study paper, but it is my hope that you will find it profitable. Thank you so much for your prayers and the support you have given us in our endeavors to provide really challenging material to God's people. Please let us hear from you when you have time. Until then, take care and best wishes always. Sincerely, Jim 8 May 2005 Greetings, brethren! I trust that this letter finds you well, and that you are taking advantage of this unique period between Passover and Pentecost when the omer is counted, a time so often overlooked by many believers today. As you know, my state of health has been very critical for at least the last 12-18 months. I first began having major symptoms of cancer in January 1989, when I almost bled to death. After a lengthy recovery, I once again suffered a major internal hemorrhage, and ended up having to have 2/3 of my stomach removed in a life-saving emergency operation. It was then that 1 was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. While I was in recovery, a different kind of cancer was found, a large mass on my left kidney. In another surgery, the kidney was removed. Four years later in the spring of 1997, a third massive episode of bleeding occurred, and another emergency operation was performed, removing the remainder of my stomach. Since that time, life has truly been an uphill battle. I have hardly known a day in the last 8 years that 1 could honestly say was really good (physically speaking, of course). At the present time, the lymphoma has returned in my throat and face, and now I am severely limited in what I can do. Just yesterday, however, I began an 8-week treatment with the drug rituxan. It does not have the catastrophic side effects of aggressive chemotherapy, although it does have its own set of problems. The cost of this treatment is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and only works on Type B non-Hodgkins lymphoma., which is exactly the kind of cancer I have, and, believe it or not, the hospital has arranged for me to receive the treatments free of charge. There are, of course, other expenses involved that we will have to bear, but we are considering this a breakthrough from the Almighty, especially in light of the fact that rituxan does not damage healthy cells. We deeply appreciate your concern for all of our family during this difficult period of time, and humbly request that prayers continue for us until this battle is indeed won! At present, it is very hard for me to be productive as I would like, so please bear with me. Of course, I want to take this opportunity to thank you from the heart for your continued interest in and support of the outreach efforts in which we have been involved over the last 14 years. May the blessings of Yahweh our God be upon you richly. Although limited as we are at this time, still if there is anything at all that we might do for you, please do not hesitate to let us know. There is nothing in this world for me save whatever service the Messiah is willing to offer to others through me. It is all I am alive for, and it is all that I live for. Unbeknown to many, a call is going out at this time, and will soon result in a raising up of true disciples unto Yahshua our Savior. I am asking you to give the most serious consideration to the possibility that you may indeed be among those so called. God will speak to your heart if you seek Him on this issue. I do not yet know who all those disciples will be, but the time of their appearance is not far off, nor is the work in which they will become involved. Remember that no matter what you do or say in the service of the Almighty, your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Don't ask yourself what you are willing to give in your service to God, but rather what you are actually giving right now in that service. Your honest answer to that question should point you in the direction you should be going, and identify the steps you need to take. Thank you once again, and best wishes. Sincerely, Jim PS: Please do not forget that the Feast Information Letter for 2005 has been sent out. I urge you to make your arrangements now to join us in Destin, FL this fall. If you did not receive the letter, please let us know. The number for reservations at Seascape Resort is: 1-800-874-9106 (Please mention Cornerstone Publications). 23 February 2005 Hello from Texarkana, I have just returned from the hospital where I underwent biopsy surgery on my facial sinuses and my throat. The initial determination from the pathologists does NOT indicate cancer, but rather a massive infection that has begun to break down some of the facial and skull bones. The ENT surgeon told me that, given the extent and nature of this situation, there were simply no surgical facilities or medical expertise in Texarkana adequate enough to deal with this kind of illness, and she recommended the University of Arkansas Medical Center in Little Rock. This would require a somewhat radical surgery to correct. I have an appointment with the ENT again in a few days. At the present time, I am recovering from this most recent hospitalization. Thank you so much for the prayers and concern you have shown us during this lengthy trial. May God richly bless you always. I have completed the second installment of the study series on The Two Trees. In Part 1, the two trees were identified as to their symbolic meaning. In Part 2, coming to understand and rightly apply the lessons of the two trees is covered. I sincerely pray that you will find both of these articles to be helpful in your spiritual life. Over the years it has been a true blessing from the Almighty to have been able to share with others the good things of the Scriptures. How much longer I will be able to continue is highly questionable, although I do intend to press on for as long as I possibly can. I do not know if I will live long enough to see a true spiritual revival transpire. I have prayed for such an awakening, and have spoken and written to that effect on many occasions. Numerous changes have occurred within the ranks of believers over the last few years, and the signs of a genuine rising up of dedicated disciples unto the Messiah are certainly visible at this time. Escaping the controls imposed upon us by men and organized religion has contributed much to the cause, but there is more to work to do, with the hardest part of the journey still ahead of us. The need, not just for more believers, but for more fruitful laborers is greater now than ever before in the history of mankind. We have answered the call to accept the Messiah as Savior, but there are other calls to which we must respond. God is on the move, and, like ancient Israel, we need to always be ready to strike the camp, and follow wherever He may lead. Take your calling to heart. Examine yourself in the light of the Word, both Living and written, and give up all to take on the responsibility and opportunity that lies ahead of us at this crucial point. Rise up, stand strong, and let Christ live in and through you mightily. As always, thank you profoundly for your support and care. May the Almighty be with you now and forever! Sincerely, Jim 18 January 2005 Hello From East Texas! The strange, deceptive, twisted world in which we live today was, as you well know, prophesied by the Almighty thousands of years ago, and not a word of those ancient pronouncements has ever failed! We are daily experiencing the fulfillment of the Biblical predictions made by God against a sinful human race, and a sinful Israel in particular. While the world seems to roll on its merry way, one event blending into another, mesmerizing the masses, the noose that was long ago placed around the necks of hapless human beings is being systematically tightened moment by moment. The changes come slowly by our standard of reckoning, and this, of course, is by precise design, while the people either remain generally oblivious to the horror that is encroaching upon them or simply resign themselves to the inevitability of it all. Long, long ago, the Adversary planted the seed of destruction in the mind of man by stating, "You shall not surely die: for God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as the gods, knowing good and evil" (Gen. 3:4-5). Ever since this auspicious occasion, human activity upon the earth has been influenced, guided, and controlled by this Satanic lie-that the route to becoming as the gods lies along the pathway of acquiring knowledge-the esoteric knowledge of the ancients known as the mysteries. Every civilization has been shaped by this age-old desire implanted eons ago in the sanctity of Eden. Nothing has changed from that primordial time until this very day, save only that this world has become ever more deceptive, dark, and destructive! While it is utter futility to assume that believers will save this world from the collision course it is traveling, we who have been called by the God of heaven and earth do have the absolute responsibility of resisting the forces of evil, exposing that which is hidden, witnessing against the enemies of truth and righteousness, and sowing the good seed of the kingdom. Therefore, "Say you not, there are yet four months, and then conies the harvest. Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest" (Jn. 4:35). It is high time that we arise from slumber and become fiery disciples of the Messiah, as surely as did Peter, James, and John, giving up all for the cause of the kingdom of God! How much longer will we remain in our comfortable holding pattern, adrift, as we continue to wait and wonder while the world plunges headlong into the abyss? May you be moved by the Spirit as you read the article, The Mystery of the Two Trees and indeed may a good seed be planted in your heart. Thank you beyond words for your prayers and support in every way. May the Almighty bless and keep you always. Sincerely, Jim 22 December 2004 Greetings from Texarkana! At long last I have finally completed the third installment to the study series entitled Esau Have I Hated! A combination of factors has been responsible for the delay in getting this paper ready to send out, including my own health situation, as well as the amount of detailed research that was necessary to sift through. This particular article is certainly more involved and complicated than the previous two in this series, and I hope that I have been successful in putting this information together in a sensible fashion. As you will note from the title page, more than just Esau and his descendants are covered in Part 3. In this installment, we take a very close look at the most enigmatic of all the tribes of Israel-Dan. You may have never thought about the relationship between Esau and Dan. We generally think of the Edomites as the enemies of Israel, as indeed they have been and continue to be. However, among the children of Jacob, Dan never did quite fit in very well. In fact, when you take a focused look at the Danites, you will find that they never really had Israel's interest at heart, and often worked against their fellow brethren, as well as the purposes of God. Once all the facts are considered, I think you will reach the same conclusion as I have-that the tribe of Dan was not only a black sheep among the Israelites, but through the centuries of history, even to this day and beyond, they have been in the enemy camp, and may well be destined to play a crucial part in the unfolding of end-time events. There are many diseases that afflict the inhabitants of this earth today. Sickness is rampant, as we all know. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, AIDS-the list goes on and on. But the most serious, indeed the most deadly, of all maladies is that ofanomia. When you have time, you might look up the meaning of this term. It is Greek, and you probably won't find it in your Webster's Dictionary. Try Strong's or Young's Concordances. This will be the subject of the next study paper I send out. Thank you for your many prayers and for your support in every way. Please let us hear from you soon. Until then, may the Almighty bless and keep you always. Sincerely, Jim 4 December 2004 Greetings, brethren! Due to catching up with work after our return from the Feast and the state of my physical health, this is the first correspondence I have been able to send out in quite a while. I do hope that this letter finds you well and blessed. Katrina’s arthritic condition has shown great improvement over the last several weeks, for which we are so grateful. My personal health situation, however, remains critical, but I am determined to press on as long as God grants me the strength to do so. I am greatly restricted in what I can do, so I hope that you will overlook the slowness with which I must operate at this time. My mind is being filled with many things to share, and I am continually applying myself to study, prayer, and writing, but I am simply functioning at a greatly reduced capacity. I know that you understand, and that your prayers are with us in this struggle. I praise and thank the Almighty for you every day. Of course, I could not write any letter without expressing our deepest appreciation to those who support in the outreach efforts of Cornerstone Publications. Obviously, we could not do what we do without this kind of voluntary help. May God richly bless you for your help and generosity! I am in the process of writing the 3rd installment of the series entitled Esau Have I Hated! and hope to have it finished in a few more days. There is so much information--historically, Biblically, and otherwise--involved in this particular study, thus a lot of time is required to analyze and synthesize it all. Part 3 deals not only with another aspect of Esau and his descendants, but also with the tribe of Dan and the incredible part that it plays--past, present, and future--in the affairs of this world and, of course, its connection to the main theme of the articles, namely Esau and the Edomites. This is truly one of the most fascinating and yet highly significant subjects in which one could ever be involved. I hope that you will find the information to be of interest and value. Thank you for your friendship. May God be with you always. Difficult times are ahead for us all. Please keep your eyes and ears wide open and remember that--in this world--day is night and black is white! Deception abounds as we draw ever closer to that day! It’s time for the real disciples of Messiah to rise and give all! Stand fast! Sincerely, Jim |
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